Thrikarthika is a festival of lights observed in Kerala on the Kartika Nakshatram (star) of the Malayalam month Vrischikam (mid-November to mid-December). Typically, it occurs on the full moon day of each month. On that day after sundown all the houses, streets, and temples are well-lit with traditional oil lamps, constructed out of clay called Chirag. The event is predominantly commemorated in South Kerala.
This event is not dedicated to any single Hindu deity or goddess. However, there are claims that it is devoted to Shakti, also known as Bhagavati in Kerala. Some individuals assert that it is an old type of nature worship. Some people consider this day as the Birthday of Goddess Parvathi, consort of Lord Shiva.
One day before Thrikarthika, people clean their homes and their environs in preparation for the Goddess’s visit. They wear new outfits and share modest gifts with one other. On this day, which is known as the Day of Peace and Silence, individuals refrain from using crackers.
😊🙏🏻 🙏🏻 #trikarthika #thrikarthika #thiruvathira
— Vishnuvardhan P Menon (@VishnuvpmSinger) November 29, 2020
On the evening of the Thrikarthika day, residences, streets, and temples are decked with oil lamps (clay lamps, or chirad in Malayalam) and candles as a sacrifice to the Goddess on her birthday. Banana (plantain) stems and tender coconut tree leaves are used to embellish Thrikarthika lamps. The lamps are supported by coconut leaves put on banana stalks.
People who own domesticated animals also embellish the cowshed and other animal-related spaces. Kartika Puzhukku is a special dish made of tapioca, elephant yam, and other tubers together with a substantial amount of grated coconut. Traditionally, Ella appam is produced in Trivandrum instead of puzhukku.
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The combination of the full moon night and the Thrikarthika lamps gives viewers awe-inspiring feelings. The date of Thrikarthika in 2015 is December 15th.
The Tiruvannamalai Mahadeepam is conducted on the same day in neighboring Tamil Nadu. Tamils celebrate this day as Lord Murugan’s birthday.
What Do You Mean by Thrikarthika?
Karthika Deepam, Thrikarthika, or Karthikai Vilakkidu (Tamil: ) is a festival of lights celebrated by Hindu Tamils, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Sri Lanka. Karthigai Deepam is a traditional event in Tamil Nadu.
ഏവർക്കും തൃക്കാർത്തിക ആശംസകൾ#thrikarthika #തൃക്കാർത്തിക
— AN Radhakrishnan (@anrbjp) November 29, 2020
What Distinguishes Thrikarthika?
The Festival of Lights — Thrikarthika
On this day, after nightfall, all the houses, streets, and temples are illuminated with Chirad oil lamps made of clay. The festival is celebrated primarily in southern Kerala. This event is not dedicated to any single Hindu deity or goddess.
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When Does Thrikarthika Occur?
Thrikkarthika (Karthika Deepam) is a three-day celebration held in Kerala during the Malayalam month of Vrischikam. In 2022, the Thrikkarthika date is November 7. And three fortunate days during Thrikkarthika are the 7th, 8th, and 9th of November.
തൃക്കാർത്തിക 🪔 🪔🪔🪔 #thrikarthika
— Anna_John(AnJu) (@annajohn02) November 29, 2020
What is the Significance of Karthigai Deepam?
People think that the enormous light ignited at 5 p.m. on Kathigai Deepam will bring them closer to Lord Shiva. During this auspicious season, Lord Shiva will bestow all of his blessings. During this time, he is ardently venerated. Care is taken to start the massive fire in this location.
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What Activities Should We Perform on Karthika Masam?
Festivals during Karthika Masam
Chanting: Chanting the sacred name of Lord Vishnu supersedes all other rituals…
Offering oil lamps: Offering oil lamps or deepens, flowers, your wrath, food, etc. to Lord Vishnu will result in enormous spiritual blessings, particularly when observed during the Karthik Masam.
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