The protagonist of the isekai ranobe “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another Planet for My Retirement” is an orphan named Mitsuha Yamano. Mitsuha, a high school student, struggles to make ends meet due to her dire financial situation. Mitsuha’s life is turned on its head by a dreadful day. She has the ability to teleport after being pushed off a ridge by a group of high school thugs.
But, it is a blessing in disguise! A strange creature has endowed her with the ability to effortlessly traverse between two different dimensions. Her drive to endure and not give up on life earned her a portion of the mystery entity’s strength, which granted her the ability. Her power allows her to transition between the modern world and an undiscovered ancient planet.
Mitsuha is here to do the best she can with what she has. She makes the important decision to make the most of her trips to the strange world and use them to make sure she has a stable income. She only needs two billion Yen. Does she deserve it?
The story starts with her journey to this new world. The story of the anime is about her trying to run a successful business in a world she doesn’t know much about. Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement was bought by the streaming site Crunchyroll. It was written by Akihiko Inari and directed by Hiroshi Tamada.
Overview of Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 7
Title | Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement |
Protagonist | Mitsuha Yamano |
Genre | Isekai, Adventure, Fantasy |
Storyline | Mitsuha, a high school student with financial struggles, gains the ability to teleport to another dimension, where she decides to run a successful business and save enough money for her retirement. |
Author | Akihiko Inari |
Director | Hiroshi Tamada |
Streaming Service | Crunchyroll |
Episode 6 Air Date | February 19-20, 2023 |
Episode 7 Air Date | Not yet announced |
Platforms | Crunchyroll, AniPlusTV, Amazon |
Official Website | roukin8-anime |
Release Date of Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 7
Episode 6 is called “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement,” and it will air on February 19 and 20, 2023. The following areas have the following times:
Timezone | Time and Date |
Singapore Standard Time | 1:00 AM SGT (February 20, 2023) |
Philippines Standard Time | 1:00 AM PST (February 20, 2023) |
Korean Standard Time | 02:00 AM KST (February 20, 2023) |
Japanese Standard Time | 02:00 JST (February 20, 2023) |
Australia Time | 02:30 AM AEST (February 20, 2023) |
Pacific Daylight Time | 10:00 AM PDT (February 19, 2023) |
Central Daylight Time | Noon CDT (February 19, 2023) |
Eastern Daylight Time | 1:00 PM EDT (February 19, 2023) |
British Summer Time | 6:00 PM BST (February 19, 2023) |
Indian Standard Time | 10:30 PM IST (February 19, 2023) |
Recap: What Happened in Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 6?
The story starts with Baron Turk being unhappy, which makes a chef angry. The Baron doesn’t like the food the chef makes, so the chef tells Mitsuha that he needs fresh fish. But Mitsuha can’t find any fish in such a short amount of time, which makes the chef so angry that he sees no reason not to attack Mitsuha.
Mitsuha is saved by her friends Iris and Claus at just the right time. Mitsuha has been invited to dinner at Iris’s house, where we are now. While they are eating, they talk about marriage. How girls get married when they are only ten years old. Mitsuha is smart and knows Iris has come up with a sneaky plan to get her married.
This episode shows Mitsuha and the other characters from “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement” going about their everyday lives. It can be hard to guess what will happen in the next episodes. But we can expect Mitsuha to use her business skills to get closer to the amount she wants to have saved for retirement. This anime has a simple, short, fun story and great animation, which makes it a joy to watch.
Where to Watch Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 7
The sixth episode of “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement” will be available on Crunchyroll and AniPlusTV. Other information about the “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement” anime series can be found on the official Twitter page for the anime, which is Roukin8-anime.
I’ve got your back if you prefer to read manga and novels instead of watching them as anime. The paperback version of this light novel is available on Amazon. Check out the official website roukin8-anime for more information about “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement.”
Also Read:
- Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 6
- Saving 80000 Gold In Another World For My Retirement Episode 5 Release Date Update!
- Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 4 Release Date Announced!
Final Words
Mitsuha Yamano, a high school student with financial struggles, uses her ability to teleport to another dimension to save money for her retirement. Episode 6 is called “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement” and will air on February 19-20, 2023. The sixth episode of “Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement” will be available on Crunchyroll and AniPlusTV.
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