Animated by MAPPA, directed by Kiyoshi Matsuda, and written by Masafumi Nishida (who also serves as the show’s principal director), RE-MAIN is an original series. Aori Fujika creates the original artwork for the characters, and Shiho Tanaka animates them.
Kana Utatane composed the music for the film. The first episode aired on TV Asahi’s NUMAnimation block on July 4, 2021. Only recently did the first season premiere, and here we’ll let you know when, if ever, you may look forward to RE-MAIN Season 2.
There has been no official word on whether or not RE-MAIN will return for a second season. Due to RE-MAIN being an original anime series, we don’t know if there will be additional episodes to adapt since the first season aired just last year. Despite this, RE-MAIN was a well-received and widely-discussed show, and given the circumstances, a return for a second season is not out of the question. There’s no telling when it might occur.
This article will cover all we know and don’t know about a second season of RE-MAIN. The future of this amazing anime series is still up in the air, but you’ll learn about possible release dates, trailers, prospective story topics, and more.
Re-Main Season 2 Release Date
According to sources, Rebooting and renewal are long-term commitments, as was indicated earlier. The majority of Japanese banner studios book their slots years in advance. The second season of Re-Main may not premiere for at least another year and a half because of this. Therefore, we can expect the sequel to be released between the winter of 2022 and the spring of 2023.
Re-Main Season 2 Plot Details: What Can We Expect From It?
The protagonist of Re-Main is Minato Kiyomizu, a former champion water polo player. The first scene of the anime is when Minato wakes up in the hospital. All of a sudden, while he worked, his loved ones started to cheer. In either case, the.
The doctors and nurses told him he had been in a coma for 200 days. Friends told him that before he forgot everything, he was a great water polo player. After months of treatment and rehabilitation, he returned to swimming.
However, Minato quickly realizes that his younger self was cocky and self-assured. Friends had told him he was too proud of his abilities. His friends and teammates ridiculed him for acting like the same arrogant man again when his memories came flooding back.
But his love for water polo was so strong that he opted to keep playing for another Yaminami High School amateur squad. Despite the team’s lack of success, the members were always there to provide a hand and encourage one another.
Will Re-Main Season 2 Happen?
In March of 2021, the show was officially greenlit. Studio MAPPA is responsible for the animation, and Kiyoshi Matsuda and Masafumi Nishida are in charge of directing and writing, respectively. Character designs were created by Aori Fujika, and Shiho Tanaka modified them for animation. The series’ score was written by Kana Utatane.
The show ran in the NUMAnimation slot on TV Asahi from July 4, 2021, until October 3, 2021. Crunchyroll is also airing simultaneous broadcasts of the show in the United States. The opening credits were performed by Enhypen and were titled “Forget Me No”t, while the closing credits were titled “Kowareta Sekai no Byshin was,” both of which were performed by Shugo Nakamura.
We need to know what this means. In reality, not much. Although the series enjoyed moderate success, the fact that we now know so little about its future is disappointing.
The future of the RE-MAIN anime remains unclear, as can be seen. However, this is not due to a lack of interest. To accurately speculate on whether or not the series will continue, we must first determine whether or not there is sufficient interest for a continuance. Although the first season was well-received, we still don’t have enough information to speculate on what the future holds for the show.
A second season is possible no sooner than late 2023, though we’d need to hear something official by the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024 is also a strong possibility. Fans are clamoring for a new season, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens; for the moment, the cancellation has not been announced, but it’s also not out of the question.
There are also other shows in a similar genre that can keep you occupied till the debut of the re-main series. Such Shows Include Creepshow Season 4, Chapelwaite Season 2, and more.
RE-MAIN is an original anime series adapted by MAPPA, directed by Kiyoshi Matsuda, and written by Masafumi Nishida. The first episode aired on TV Asahi’s NUMAnimation block on July 4, 2021. There has been no official word on whether or not RE-MAIN will return for a second season.
This article will cover possible release dates, trailers, story topics, and more. The second season of Re-Main is expected to be released between the winter of 2023 and the spring of 2024. For more details visit our website
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